
Posted 5M ago by @GiftedDuncecap

My swedish ivy has leaves that have started fading to a ...

#SwedishIvy #happyplants #newgrowth #plantcorner
Last watered 5 months ago
Hello! So let's try to zero in on the possible issue! First, a few questions:
โ€ข Your plant card says it's in a pot without drainage and hasn't been watered in a month โ€” is that info accurate?
โ€ข How much light does it receive, and how far is it from a window/grow light?
I'm wondering if it's a lighting issue? Can you post a picture of your plant in its entirety where it usually sits?
Thank you! The plant card is not accurate at all... it gets adequate water and has been in the same spot for years... it's in a west facing window on the ledge. Do you think for some reason it could be getting too much light now?
I'm visiting my mom and strangely enough her Swedish Ivy plant is the plant mine was propagated from originally, and it seems to be doing the same thing... same spot for many years, adequate water- this is just so random...
This is my mom's plant- unfortunately I'm visiting so not home to take a photo of mine lol
This is the offspring of her plant literally right next to it... they look like two completely different plants...