
Posted 1M ago by @SydB28

Money tree with some droopy/yellowing leaves!

I got my money tree a couple weeks ago and have noticed some leaves drying out and turning yellow, as well as a few leaves drooping, some while still being green! I don’t believe I have overwatered it, and it’s near a window. I move it into direct light for about 2 hours everyday. A friend with many plants told me to mist it once a day to keep it healthy, but I’m unsure if this is bad advice! Any help would be appreciated :)
1ft to light, indirect
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 19 hours ago
Best Answer
Hi there @SydB28 what a beauty!! My goodness that trunk too! How is the root situation? The leaves at the top yellowing, if they’re new, is a distress signal from your plant! When was the last time we repotted? Or checked the roots for root bound, root rot, mineral buildup, etc? :) best of luck!! I’m sure it’s a quick fix, looks very healthy and happy!!
Oh right! @SydB28 no misting the leaves please :) water acts like a magnifying glass and will burn the leaves. It also encourages pests and diseases, like fungal or bacterial. Per Greg app β€œIn fact, allowing moisture to linger on leaves can attract certain types of fungi to infect your plant. Best to skip the mist and focus on providing hydration to those roots!” Best way for humidity: pebble tray, humidifier, or multiple plants grouped together ✨🌱🀩 please let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns!!🀩✨🌱
@Prentyce thank you so much for your advice! I checked the roots to be safe and it looks like a pair of gloves were at the bottom of the plant tangled in the roots! Aside from that the roots look healthy, do you think it’s likely this was the cause??οΏΌ
@SydB28 YES!! The poor roots were suffocated!!! Oh my goodness you saved its life! YOURE A HEROπŸ₯ΉπŸ˜­πŸ€©βœ¨ @SydB28 it can breathe again! WOW! What a find ! πŸ™‚β€β†•οΈπŸŒ±βœ¨ I’m sure you’ll have a super healthy, happy plant!
@Prentyce also real quick! I currently have the plant in the original plastic pot, which is inside the white ceramic pot (this is how it was delivered to me). Would you recommend moving it completely to the white ceramic pot and ditching the flimsy plastic one? Thanks again for all your help 😊