
Posted 1M ago by @HelperLuckyred

Rubber plant

Leaf drooping. Please advise what I should do
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Well, you dhould always start by asking yourself if the soil is too wet or too dry. What are your watering habits like?
It is new plant from Homedepot after changing to new pot watered them as wet. Keep in sun light for sometime
@HelperLuckyred Welcome to the Greg community! Dull drooping foliage: This is an indication that your Rubber Tree may be underwatered, giving your plant a dull lifeless appearance. Assess your watering frequency and ensure to water once the soil has reached near dryness. Avoid long periods of dry soil. Here’s a website with more info:,end%20of%20the%20summer%20months. Happy Growing!
@HelperLuckyred moving it to a new pot might have stressed it out, especially if the roots were disturbed (new soil, different size etc). Try keeping it in bright spot but not in direct light. If the pot has no drainage becareful watering it over the next while.
I tried showering the plant and bright sunlight. But still same. How it take to see them back to normal?