
Posted 2w ago by @UpfrontCoconut

#WhiteBirdOfParadise is this root rot?

#WhiteBirdOfParadise is this root rot? This isn’t a very old plant, but it was on sale when we bought it. The leaves started browning/curling about 10 days ago. I just cut off some of the old cut stems from the bottom and they were pretty moist and smelly. Any tips for saving???
10ft to light, indirect
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
I sure hope all is not lost!
Don’t give up on yours! Check the soil to your 2nd knuckle to see if it’s wet. Or even overly moist. I noticed it says Achilles’s pot has drainage. He may need more! If that’s the case you may want to transplant right away. I found a Bob Villa (from This old house) video on growing BOP’s and he includes soil mixtures and fertilizer:

Check those roots for rot check the soil for mold. Repot- he’s a tough plant just give Achilles well drained soil in a pot with drainage- he will bounce back in time.

Mine was one brown stick in March of this year and the pics are her Thursday this week!

Best of luck to you with all your plants. I hope to see pics of your oasis and of your BOP soon!