
Posted 1M ago by @deathcorehoney

What's up with Oscar? Z

I've got a Coleus plant that isn't doing too well. It's leaves are wilting and falling off. I also notice that one of its stems is brownish.

It doesn't get much sunlight as we don't have direct sunlight in the room it's in. It's also placed about 2m from a window. It gets watered once every week-ish. It's currently planted in a plastic pot with drainage and pearlite rich soil.

Would it be an issue with the roots?
Should I water it more often?
Should I leave it on the window sill to get more sunlight?

Would appreciate your help on this!
10ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Hi Jesse @deathcorehoney

Coleus benefits from frequent trimming and bright light, but it doesn't have to be direct sun. I would get it as close to the window as possible without allowing it to get cold/drafty. Trim it back by about 1/3 of the long/leggy stuff away. Wait a few weeks and trim another 1/3 away. This will help the plant to be bushy.

When it looks like it is wilting, water it.