
Posted 1M ago by @VeteranMoss

Just got this lil guy and was wondering the best way to t...

I got him from a girl I met who just propigated him from a larger plant. Any tips?
12ft to light, indirect
5” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Best Answer
These things are resilient, to say the least. They will grow wherever you put them. I would say lots of bright indirect light will get your plant nice & bushy and nice patterns on the leaves. If it starts getting leggy, you can just chop it back & it grows right back. They prefer lots of humidity. (You’ll want a pot with drainage holes though) Good luck πŸ’šπŸŒ±
I have one and it’s the easiest going plant I have to date. It thrives based off Greg’s reminders. Enjoy!
@Azplantchic sounds great, and I will start looking for a pot with drainage. Thank you so much!
@WellknownBeans Oh good! Yes the girl said if she didn’t kill it anyone can take care of one lol.
@VeteranMoss you’re welcome.
Humidity Humidity Humidity.