
Posted 4M ago by @plantnewbie27


Hi friends! New plant mom here. I've had this bromeliad all summer and it did great. But just recently started loosing the pink color and started looking like this. They are so beautiful, I want to try to keep it if I can. Please tell me what to do! πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜πŸ™
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 months ago
Often they die after they bloom, but i don't think yours is at that stage yet, not too sure…
Should I repot with bigger pot
@plantnewbie27 neoregelia don't give a damn if their pot is small. Repotting won't help much, unless your soil is wrong
Hmm ok. Maybe like a cactus kind of soil?
@plantnewbie27 eh not so much. Something you'll give to a fern. They're mainly epiphytes after all
Ok thanks! I'll try that
This one has potential. You may want to add some succulent pebbles to it to avoid waterlogging