
Posted 4M ago by @Glowflower

Change in leaves

I’ve noticed in the last week or so that the leaves have changed color and are dropping. New leaves are very curled too. Any ideas why? I haven’t moved it or changed it’s watering schedule #help #Ficus
1ft to light, indirect
11” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
It may be root related concern if you did not change anything. You may have to lift it up from the pot to check.
I wouldn't rule out the root concern, so please make sure you check that your roots are firm and white. However, from the veinal necrosis and chlorotic window pane effect your leaves are giving off, I would suspect a bacterial problem rather than a root related one.
@Glowflower an addition to the previous comment.. are there any lesions not visible in the photos?
Got it out of the pot - roots look ok to me πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ no pooling water at the bottom so doesn’t look like wet roots
@futureplantdr not sure what you mean by lesions? I see some small brown spots on some of the leaves . But those are not on all the leaves maybe only about 5 or so
I moved some of the topping and noticed this as well. Not sure it’s just minerals coming to surface or a type of mold?