
Posted 3w ago by @SpotonSeagrape

Every couple of weeks one of the leaves will be totally p...

10ft to light, indirect
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
@SpotonSeagrape have you by chance checked the roots? I had an unassuming occurrence with my snake plant and it turned out to be root rot. Has any water gotten on the leaves? And how frequent are you watering? Best of luck! I hope we can help however we can🀩🌱✨
@Prentyce I'm watering every 3-4 weeks. In between the soil becomes completely dry. The roots seem okay to me (not mushy, no bad smell) but honestly I can't be sure
@SpotonSeagrape great to hear roots are good! Watering schedule is perfect. If it’s not root rot (and you’re sure that they’re not brittle roots, stringy when you tug them or slimy). Then it may be bacterial / fungal. Real quickly, how much light is your little guy getting? :)
@Prentyce unfortunately not a lot of natural light right now with the winter sun and house orientation, but I do have him very close to a lamp that is on all day, which is the best I can do for now