Why is it turning yellow? May have been a little overwate...

9ft to light, indirect

4β pot with drainage

Last watered 1 month ago
Step 1 as Kate stated and then when you get ready to repot, I would recommend using cactus & succulent soil and supplementing with some additional perlite for drainage. Also, terracotta pots donβt hold moisture as much as plastic. Use a wooden chop stick or bamboo skewer to stick down into this bottom of the pot before watering again. If there is dirt on it when you pull it out, hold off on watering and recheck in a few days. Echeverias like a lot of light. May need grow lights this time of year to keep them from stretching. I think most of us have overwatered or killed a succulent or two in the process of learning to take care of them! Good luck! Keep us updated on your progress!