
Posted 2M ago by @DaringJellypalm

Got Sylvie last Sunday. Getting worse daily. Leaves circl...

2ft to light, indirect
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 months ago
Hey R πŸ‘‹ is the soil feeling very wet? (Stick your fingers in it)

If so, and since she's so new to you I would take her out of her pot right away and check her roots .. it looks like the seller has overwatered her and she may have root rot! If her soul is soggy it's almost certainly that!

Heads up, if I'm right, you're going to need...
1. A fresh pot (or scrub this one with peroxide, if it's the right size for her)
2. Fresh Philo-friendly soil (a good jungle mix will do, or at the least a mix with perlite and orchid bark). Activated charcoal is optional but helpful.
3. Good pair of small scissors or snips
4. Isopropyl alcohol for cleaning your scissors/ snips
5. Hydrogen peroxide for cleaning the roots and the pot
6. Ground cinnamon (plain old store cupboard cinnamon is fine!)

And if/ once you have those, your going to take her gentle out of her pot. Tease off as much damp soil as you can and in good light, check her roots... Anything that's brown/ squishy/ smelly or comes away in your hands, you want to chop them off. Dipping your snips in alcohol in between EACH cut to keep them sterile and not spread the infection.

Once you've done that, mix 3:1 solution of water: peroxide and rinse the remaining roots to be doubly sure you've got all the infection, and then sprinkle them lightly with cinnamon (great natural fungicide) and repot her in fresh soil. Water her in and then leave her to do her thing, and don't water her again until you can shove your finger in the soil to your second knuckle and it feels dry (not damp, and not cold) as far as you can reach.

Update Greg, every time it tells you to water but her soil is still damp, hit snooze! The app will learn her optimum schedule within a couple of weeks of you keep it up (I do it all year round with all of mine! πŸ₯°).

Best of luck! Sadly a lot of sellers of these plants don't actually know how to take care of them! Especially box stores! They either drown them or don't water then at all, but you've totally got this πŸ’ͺπŸ’š I've had plants come back from what I thought was the very brink of the compost bin! Lol and Birkins are pretty hardy. Best of luck xx
My first guess would be to much light.
Hi! This is such a cute plant!

Overall, it looks okay but I see why you’re concerned as well. It looks like one of the yellowing leaves is an older leaf which is normal & I say this because plants older leaves die off as they make room for new growth. However, if you haven’t watered it yet that could be an issue as well.

These are not super drought tolerant plants so don’t be afraid of watering! Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry & water until there is water pouring out the bottom of the pot!
Make sure not to leave it sitting in any depth of water.

You’re on the right track, I hope this helps!
@JenniB81 hi the soil is super dry. Checked the bottom and it’s dry as well. No strange smells. Though the stalk is now yello