
Posted 1M ago by @SvelteTigerlily

What’s wrong with my teacup cactus?

Truly unsure what’s going on, he used to be very happy and has recently gone white and droopy. Any help is much appreciated!
1ft to light, direct
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@SvelteTigerlily Mine did the same try letting it dry out thoroughly before watering again and be sure you have good drainage . Put some sand or wood chips in to aid drainage . It should bounce back.
Would orchid mix in soil help do you think?
@SvelteTigerlily Yes most definitely if you don’t have sand or pebbles.
It’s too wet, maybe giving too much water at a time or too often
Dope, I’ll repot tomorrow and might spray/mist instead of traditional watering until he bounces back