
Posted 7M ago by @PoeticHoupara

Why are my stems drooping?

#FishbonePrayerPlant My prayer plant has always been quite droopy but recently has just taken it to a new level… I’ve recently moved house and since being in a warmer room she has been putting out new leaves and looking much healthier, but still so droopy! WHY… Any advice appreciated :))
Best Answer
Hi, Plantz! I'm glad you're on Greg! (:

Prayer plants are movers and shakers! They are constantly moving throughout the day. At night when the sun goes down, the leaves go up. During the day when the sun is up, the leaves go down to get as much sunlight as possible. Their little leaves are solar panels that are reaching for the sunlight, unless they are resting (praying). οΏΌ
Prayer plants need high humidity! I had a prayer plant that played dead for two months until I got it somewhere humid πŸ˜‚ they also don't like their soil drying out they like to be moist all the time kind of like ferns!
@sarahsalith she moves a bit, but she’s never stood upright… always this quite sad flop! Is there anything I can do to get her taller or shall I just leave be? Thanks!
Can you post a picture? It would be very helpful to see the plant. (:
@sarahsalith sorry, new here and thought they showed automatically πŸ˜‚
@sarahsalith it’s in the original post now
Nope- but that picture is PERFECT! It's a type of #Calathea and the reason it is floppy is because of its pot. That plant will be happier in a plastic or glazed ceramic pot that holds moisture better.

Terracotta wicks away the moisture and keeps the soil on the dry side.

To perk up your plant, you'll need to up your watering game. (: