
Posted 3Y ago by @nila

Why is my spider plant so pale?

It had much brighter green colours when I first got it. Could it be a lack of sunlight? Or not enough water?

It gets at most an hour or two of direct sun in the morning, but that’s it. It’s also been super cloudy the past few days so not much sun. #SpiderPlant
2ft to light, direct
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 years ago
Best Answer
For me, when the leaves pale up its a sign of under watering; i was in the middle of a move and my plants were left in my old place for a while and when i got them back my spider plant was super pale and when i gave it a good drink it spruced back up, even though currently its not getting good light!
It could be a cause of over or under watering, depending on the soil.
I would say it’s lack of sunlight! I personally would let it get those two hours of sunlight in the morning, and then move it to another place where your plant can get more β˜€οΈπŸ€—
@Dems I just felt the soil and it was super dry! That could be it!
I’d say it’s a combination of under watering and lack of sunlight. My spiders sit in a west facing window all day and are thriving. Sun is more key with these guys than they’re given credit for!
@Nallon that’s interesting! I was always told they like low light so I kept it away from too much direct sun. I’ll try moving it to a sunnier spot. Just watered it a while ago as well. Hopefully some colour comes back. :)
I gave him a good watering yesterday and he’s got his colour back today!! πŸ€— Thanks everyone for your help! β™₯️