
Posted 3M ago by @PeaceLeah

my dwarf umbrella tree is almost 4 feet tall. I’ve had it...

Last watered 8 months ago
@CourtlyKingfern has an insanely large one. I bet she knows a thing or two about pruning.
Dwarf Umbrella trees absolutely thrive with pruning. Each stem you prune will give you 2 new branches. Any green branches you cut off just stick in water, ( even a vase works ) just make sure a node is covered with water and you’ll get more trees.

When you prune it, cut below a node for propagation.

Then, prune just above the next node, since this is where it will branch out.

Keep at least 2 leaves on each branch you cut.

One leaf = A whole Umbrella

I have a couple that I am allowing to grow and to keep them more compact since they are indoors, I tie the branches to a moss pole in the pot. This keeps the branches more upright so that they can fit indoors.

Don’t be afraid to prune it. They really do like it and it doesn’t take long at all after pruning to see new branches forming.