
Posted 1M ago by @CoolPaleflax

Hello everyone I’m new on this

2ft to light, indirect
2” pot
Last watered 1 month ago
Wht do u need mam
They can be outdoor or indoor … very sturdy …. Water every 7 days but don’t let the water sit on your pot
Trim the lower leaves when u see the plant stunting if it’s potted - I m like chat gpt πŸ˜‚
I see u have jade to they grow very well with cactus if u keen to pot them together
I noticed that snake plants like their soil to dry out in between waterings. You can check this using something like a chopstick, poking it into the soil and down to the bottom, and then pulling it back out. If it’s clean you know it’s time to water, or when the tips are turning brown and crispy. They love bright indirect light so near a window with a wide view of the sky but with no direct sunlight should keep it happy. Good luck!
Also, bottom watering can be useful with these plants as getting water in the middles can cause rot. So take it out of the cover pot with no holes, put it in something that can hold some water in the bottom, and add water to the dish, and the plant should take about 10 mins to soak up all the water it needs. Then make sure to let the pot drain before putting it back in the cover pot so it’s never sitting in water. These are very easy to take care of in my opinion! 😊