
Posted 1M ago by @ZestfulDewberry

help :(

My plant is having a little trouble right now. The leaves are curling in on themselves and some are turning yellow. I’ve repotted it, watered it, and added fertilizer. What do i do ?

It was turning yellow this last Monday, and I watered it the Friday before and came back to it looking worse than before. I repotted it yesterday. It’s also kept under a grow light 12 hours a day and my apartment gets really good sunlight throughout the day as well. I love this plant and want to keep it alive but I don’t know what else to do. Help 😞
#HappyPlants #Monstera #SwissCheeseVine #PlantTherapy
10ft to light, indirect
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
To much water let it dry out before watering it again
Hey! I’m sorry this is happening. I’d try moving it to natural light as these guys are kinda picky about being under grow lights and actually just prefer natural light over grow lights!
Is it in a nursery pot? The pot looks a little big for it.
@WonderWoman13 i had it in a 6 inch pot before and the roots were growing out of the bottom so i changed the pot. Its since done a lot better :)