
Posted 2M ago by @Lb710

Hi! My pinstripe calathea has one leaf that’s curled in, ...

0ft to light, direct
10” pot without drainage
Last watered 2 months ago
@Lb710 I believe it’s from too much direct light, and possibly the water you are feeding it. this plant loves distilled or rain water, you can try purified as well and thrives in high humidity. I had one of these and this happened to every leaf because I didn’t know back then which was end of winter months it didn’t survive and through the process of research before my Greg days this was what I learned.
@Lb710 your card shows no drainage, very close to window sunlight, and watered just recently if that is the ideal, it needs a pot with drainage and placed in humid environment in indirect light
These beauties love humidity. I have mine in a room with a humidifier and I still have to mist it. Also, a pot with drainage is a must. Make sure it has enough indirect light and good airflow around it if you use a humidifier. You can snip off the dry damaged leaves. They also need a good draining medium.
I completely agree with @Ninabeena - they can acclimate to direct light and they need drainage and the want distilled water, but they CRAVE humidity!!
Thank you so much everyone!!! This is super helpful