
Posted 1M ago by @slothz

Golden pothos not growing out

Sorry for the long post
So my mom propagated golden pothos cuttings from my great grandmothers pothos plant, unfortunately it was in the propagation container for too long and was twisted in on itself.
I did what I could relaxing the joint that was twisted but it ended up snapping and it has left the main plant with this joint/node that is refusing to grow outwards, the plant is very happy but now the leaves are starting to twist on itself again due to them not growing outwards.

For the end node I've tried everything trimming it, putting root hormone on it (currently why it's white) but nothing has worked.
any suggestions?
Also would love any advice to prevent the leaves from twisting in on itself and help it grow outwards. #pothos #goldenpothos
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 days ago
Best Answer
It looks healthy. I would just rotate it once a week so that it will grow slightly towards the sun. It’s ok if it grows funky.
My pothos n joy had some issues with strange growth patterns like that after a mealy bug problem 😑 The stems are long enough that I’m now able to direct the weird little twisted bundle back in to the pot and pick a spot to pin it back in to the soil. I’m hoping it will grow some roots and eventually send out more stems with normal growth and the weird parts will just get buried under new growth
Here’s one of the weird twisted sections, how I pinned one back down in the soil, and how she looks from above now (nice and full vs the pic I have in my oasis)
Before I tucked all the growth back in. I’ve really struggled with this poor plant for some reason. I treated the mealy bugs with straight isopropyl alcohol which worked wonders in my golden pothos and monstera but this one did NOT like it. That what causes the leaves to start growing in weird direction and they were weak and small. I’ve changed to a much milder homemade treatment that can be sprayed on just about any plant each time you water. It cleans, reduces pests, and prevents infestation.
Good morning!
Could you please share what your mild solution consists of?
@CutePolypremum Yes this is what I came to ask too. I haven’t needed it yet but I’ve had one single gnat near my plants and it’s scaring me. I keep thinking where there’s one there must be more but I’ve never seen more than one at once but I wanna be prepared for any situations that may come.
@CutePolypremum it’s very simple:
500mL (2 cups) water
30mL (2 tbsp) neem oil
15mL (1 tbsp) peppermint castille soap
5mL (1 tsp) isopropyl alcohol

Be sure to clean both sides of the leaves and, in tbe event if an active infection, be sure to really inspect your plants (every nook and cranny).
@Nikosmom13 @LiftLashPlant see above πŸ‘†πŸΌ
This is what I’m using
It looks like it’s growing here
@Nikosmom13 I decided to unwind ny Golden Pothos to see if I could have it grow around my window. I noticed that Jean had grown in a loop in one spot. I think it happened when I repositioned her vines to keep the plant more compact. Then I noticed that one vine had attached to my carpet and pulled her loose from there, but noticed she was growing up the wall. So I unwound all the long vines and am seeing if they will grow around my window. They are obliging. What have I wrought? We’ll see!
My point is; Pothos does what it wants we just need to adjust❣️
@slothz I sent a message addressed to @Nikosmom13. It was meant for you. This app is not the easiest to navigate!
@CuteChollipo they do and they bounce back. I had one rooting in water wayyy too long it turned wonky & stopped growing. Repotted and bam! The "dead" wonky ends sprouted and she's going strong now. I'm hoping to get more vining soon πŸ’•