
Posted 2M ago by @jlm006

I thought I knew how to take care of my carnivores, but I...

20ft to light, indirect
3” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Well my first 2 thoughts are water and humidity. How often are you watering? You might try adding a humidifier if you haven’t already. How much light is your nepenthes getting? You want to make sure they are getting around 14 hrs under a grow light unless you live where it’s warm enough to keep them outdoors. Also, no need to worry about dormancy with this CP.
@LaSiguanaba thank you! I water him when the moss is just about dry but most 2x/day. I bet he needs more light. The window I had him in was getting less over the seasons changed. He’s under a grow light now but not that long each day.
@jlm006 I would try gradually increasing the length of time under the growlight until it’s up to about 14 hrs a day. Just give it a little time to sort itself out, and hopefully your plant will really thrive. Good luck! ☺️
The leaves look like they need humidity. The thinner The leaves the more humidity they need has always been my expirence.