
Posted 4w ago by @WiseChaffflower

Droopy leaves, help?

Hey y’all, happy Saturday! Just had a quick question about my #ZebraElephantEar I’ve had her for about two months now and so far she’s been doing great. Took her home, quarantined, watered and tested out different lighting: all the usual. Since then she’s popped out with two new leaves and they’re doing very well.

The issue I’ve noticed in the last couple of days is three of the stems with smaller leaves have started to droop and some have yellow spots. This is completely unusual. I have the plant on a watering schedule, I’ve repotted once (terracotta w/ drainage), only fertilized once since purchasing, and nothing else has changed besides the new leaves. She sits below a south facing window that gets direct sunlight for most of the afternoon. Where she sits the direct sunlight is only for about three hours but the indirect sunlight is still prevalent. I have a humidifier and I’m not worried about overwatering. What should I do? This is one of my favorites and I don’t want to lose her. #HappyPlants #help #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #NewPlantMom #help
3ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
Have you checked thoroughly for pests? Under the leaves, etc?
@EarthBurrito yes and I’ve seen no signs of bugs of any sorts, it also sits right by a backlight that catches flies/fruitflies and such
Might need a support pole, trellis moss pole. Sometimes they get top heavy. It’s an absolutely beautiful plant!! πŸŒΈπŸ¦‹πŸžπŸͺ΄πŸŒ»