
Posted 1M ago by @Bread52487

Help. I can't get rid of this mold.


I bought this guy 8 years ago from IKEA. He thrived for a while, I had him in his nursery pot in my shower on a shelf. Then I moved him after knocking him over and put him in a new pot with new dirt. I didn't know anything about these guys, so I just used potting soil. I wasn't good at watering him, and so my mother watered him when he seemed dry. And when I went to grab him to take to college, he was full of mold and only had 3 leaves. I swapped the dirt, but not the pot. And I didn't have time to get a good mix so I just used compost. Now, he has mold again. I have another pot for him, but I'm worried that it will stress him out. Should I go for it and repot and replace his dirt with a proper mix? Or will the mold just come back. I really want to save him. Hes my first plant.
5โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
I would go ahead and put him in a clean pot with new soil. You can sprinkle cinnamon on the soil to keep mold at bay.
Hi Bread! Mold is usually a sign that the soil is staying wet for too long, so that's one thing to keep in mind. Also, in my experience, cylindrical snake plants prefer being snug in their pots and REALLY don't like being in one that's too big. That can also contribute to the soil staying wet for too long, potentially leading to the mold. So if you do decide to repot, you might consider using a pot the next size down (4" instead of 6"). Also make sure to use a well-draining soil mix, such as one made specifically for cacti/succulents with some perlite or pumice mixed in.

I recently had a bad case of powdery mildew on my rosemary, which I got under control by spraying the soil with a solution of water, neem oil, and dish soap (a teaspoon of neem oil per quart or so of water, plus a few drops of dish soap to help it emulsify). I've also read a solution of baking soda and water works really well. Good luck, and keep us posted on its progress! ๐Ÿ˜Š