
Posted 1M ago by @RadiantBreadnut

His was my Osmo before….approximately 3-4 months ago. T...

#Codiaeum poor little fella I just threw him out on the deck in the rain. I live in the Sandhills of NC. Even raining at this hour it’s still pretty nice outside. What do y’all think those little silver creatures bug/wormy things might be that has set up in his soil??
0ft to light, direct
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
They are Springtails, which eat decaying matter and don't harm plants. They tend to manifest into potted plant soil that is wet
@RadiantBreadnut I agree with @Seedstarter sounds like springtails if they're in the soil. Think of them as warning sign that you're either watering your plant too often, or you have it in conditions that don't allow the soil to dry out quickly enough between waterings. Springtails won't harm your plant, but root rot from overwatering will. Gold dust croton do best in terracotta pots since they're porous and allow the soil to dry out quicker. Use a well draining soil (succulent soil works well for them) and check to ensure it's almost completely dried out before watering again. They need watering even less frequently in the winter.