
Posted 1M ago by @liv91109

what’s wrong with the leaves?

my money tree has some leaves looking like this. is it too cold? need water/less water? please help!! #MoneyTree #PachiraAquatica #TropicalPlants #tree #moneytreehelp #PlantAddict #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantCorner
4” pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
Mines doing the same thing!! And some leaves are falling off
Mine is also doing the same thing, can’t figure out why πŸ˜•
I think it might need sun mine is doing that too
@Sunshineblu @ShinyDragontree @BlackestDahlia maybe it’s a winter thing!
@liv91109 I thought that maybe it might be a Winter thing (it’s been pretty cold) but I’ve had it for a few years and it hasn’t done this before. It might be because I moved it from the west side of the house to the east side about a month ago. I don’t think it likes it. Think I’m going to have to move it back.
@ShinyDragontree weird… this is my first time having one (since like june) and it’s in a northwest window.
@liv91109 Maybe try moving it where it gets more sun. It might help
@ShinyDragontree yeah maybe! it’s pretty dark here though and not very many bright windows besides kitchen windowsill and my windows
@liv91109 Do you have a grow light? You can try that πŸ‘πŸΌ
@ShinyDragontree i don’t but i want to get one!
I try to give mine sun at least a hour or two in that window it’s sits off to the side of that though #LetsKeepHopeAlive 🀞🏾
Mine did that under a grow light and I moved it to next to the light and the leaves stopped turning yellow and dropping. She is thriving now
Mines to i did some research, and i'm purchasing a humidifier to help her
Have you ever repotted it? I learned the hard way sometimes there are bands at the roots. Mine was thriving & dying at the same time.
@liv91109 I would check the roots I see possible signs of a fungal infection. It’s very easy to do this by overwatering or poor drainage . I know quite a few people who have lost them to this issue . Good luck πŸ€ If you look at mine now with heat on it still thrives on little water .
@WonderWoman13 no i havent. i will probably check that
@ILoveMyPlants i actually haven’t watered it in over 2 weeks until a couple days ago. i watered it because i thought the leaves meant it was too dry
Honestly, I think you have more going on here than just watering.

When I zoom in on your photos it appears that many of this spots are lined up. The cause of this is likely some sort of pest. I’m just not positive on what kind.

I am leaning toward scale in fact, I think those more dark colors could be red scale you see how they are lined up. They tend to do that, and then the white spots are likely your damaged parts from where they have already eaten sap from the leaves.

If you touch the leaves are they sticky? Scale will leave a sticky residue behind.

If I am right it looks like a pretty bad infestation and you will need to treat the entire plant, spot treatment won’t work here. You have some choices that I will list below for all of them you will need to treat the whole plant the trunk, underside of leaves all of it. To make treatment easier I would cut off the badly affected leaves and only leave the good ones. For each tree you will want to try to leaves 2 healthy leaves. Since it’s braided 2 for each individual trunk so it has energy for new growth.

1. Neem Oil
2. Insecticidal Soap
3. Horticulture Oil
4. Ladybugs 🐞

If I’m right, and I hope I’m not, πŸ˜” you will need to reapply once a week for 3 weeks.

You also want to isolate the plant especially because these can be difficult to treat.

Also, when you treat check for the rubber band that others mentioned most of the braided trees have them to hold them together during transportation etc. as your plant grows it will strangle your trees and they will eventually die. So, it really needs to be cut off. Keep me posted! πŸͺ΄β€οΈ
@SuperbRaspfern okay! they weren’t sticky, just brittle. thank you