
Posted 2Y ago by @SmallGrass

Looking dried up

I’ve had this plant for a couple months and recently it’s starting to look a little sad and shriveled up. It’s in a south facing window and I water it every couple weeks to a month or so. Do you think I’m watering it wrong or it’s getting burnt in the window?
4” pot
Last watered 2 years ago
How do u water it? Do you give it a couple splashes of water? These need to have the soil completely drenched each time you water it
It is looking shriveled, like it's not getting enough water, in my opinion. I've never heard of this cactus but after a quick Internet dive, it looks pretty cool!
The summary of this plant also says it does not have any drainage. I recommend putting it in a pot that drains, use cactus or succulent soil, and when you water it drench/soak the soil all the way through. It looks like it will be beautiful!