
Posted 1M ago by @BabyMeloncactus

I just moved her out her small bottle into this cylinder ...

2” pot without drainage
Last watered 4 weeks ago
I'm not sure they'll hurt the roots, but they certainly aren't necessary. Did you use marbles to weigh down the vase so it doesn't tip over? On that note...I think the stem is way too long. You only need about an 8-in stem to successfully propagate, with one half above water and the other half submerged. I'd suggest recutting just below one of the leaf nodes around the spot I indicated in the photo. That would solve the tipping over issue, and give you a plant that's straight instead of bent in the middle 😊
Oops, forgot the pic ☺️
Actually, I just noticed there's another bend in the stem just below the top leaves lol. So you could cut it even shorter if you wanted πŸ˜›