
Posted 1Y ago by @PuissantHope

Can anyone help me get this plant back to living?

Last watered 1 year ago
Are these petunias? If so, they typically need water daily in the Midwest. They also need food weekly. Make sure the pot can drain excess water. You may also want to cut back the dead.
@PlantTLCwEmily thank you! I have a terrible green thumb
No, it’s all learning! I have killed many things! Indoor and outdoor plants! But I am learning so much, be kind and patient! Petunias are usually hardy and will bounce back with daily water and weekly food
I agree with Emily and just like Emily I have killed many plants too.
Deadheading is also important. Remove the spent flowers to prevent your plant from wasting energy on producing seeds and deadheading will encourage it to focus more energy on producing blooms. Plants are resilent. It will recover in no time.
It’s kind of hard to see but you may need fresh soil as well! I would try and water it a few times, dead head a bit, and see if you can get it to perk up, and then water the plant one day, wait an hour, and then gently remove the plant, work out the oil soil from the roots, add new soil to the pot and then put it back in. It may go into shock for a few days, but healthy soil, regular watering, and plant food will go a long way! πŸ’ͺ🏼