Repotted - send good vibes please!
She's been looking sad and wilted even after watering so I finally got up the courage to repot. I was worried about damaging the roots because I received it potted in sphagnum moss which is quite hard when dry and the roots are quite fine. I got this plant earlier this year and didn't know much about it except the potential flowers would be beautiful!
About a month ago I had taken two other plants potted in moss (a different hoya and a variegated epipremnum pinnatum albo) to a free repotting session at my favourite plant store and they helped me repot them in a carnivorous plant potting mix. They said it would be a good way to transition the plant since their house blend contains some sphagnum moss.
Since those two plants have been doing fine in that mix so far, I decided to give my cystiantha splash a try in the carnivorous plant pottting mix but still feeling a bit nervous about whether I repotted in time or damaged too many roots 😢 Hoping for the best so I can eventually see it flower!
Has anyone else repotted from moss to a different potting medium? How did it go for you?
#hoyahangout #hoyacystianthasplash #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantssavedmymentalhealth #repotting #plantcare
About a month ago I had taken two other plants potted in moss (a different hoya and a variegated epipremnum pinnatum albo) to a free repotting session at my favourite plant store and they helped me repot them in a carnivorous plant potting mix. They said it would be a good way to transition the plant since their house blend contains some sphagnum moss.
Since those two plants have been doing fine in that mix so far, I decided to give my cystiantha splash a try in the carnivorous plant pottting mix but still feeling a bit nervous about whether I repotted in time or damaged too many roots 😢 Hoping for the best so I can eventually see it flower!
Has anyone else repotted from moss to a different potting medium? How did it go for you?
#hoyahangout #hoyacystianthasplash #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantssavedmymentalhealth #repotting #plantcare

2ft to light, direct

3” pot with drainage

Last watered 3 weeks ago
I have. It's annoying. For orchids, the shift needs to be gradual, or the roots might die. At least if the shift in air/water around the roots is too great. But i think that is more of an orchid thing. For hoyas, the work you have to put in to detangle is ridiculous. I've sphagbag propagated some hoyas, when i was out of perlite, and airlayered another one. But other than detangling being a b*tch, they all have adapted quite well.
📦(⬅️ vibes)
📦(⬅️ vibes)
@ballondusoleil yes, but try to gently remove as much of the moss as possible without damaging roots. Plant into soil with a rooting hormone, add worm castings and mycorrhizae fungi if you like and water gently. They may go through a brief period of shock and then recover. Good luck and happy growing.
@MusicalRedmint @Arid_oasis thanks for the tips! Detangling the roots from the moss was such a chore - I soaked the moss to make it easier but still ended up leaving some moss on the roots as some were firmly intertwined. After repotting in the new medium, I watered it with some specialty plant probiotics and yucca extract which is supposed to help support roots so here's hoping for the best!
@StarryKentia thank you! Recovery time feels like forever!