
Posted 3w ago by @SirStretchberry

Algae looking layers under propagation tumblers

I’ve done a few successful propagations before but recently with my second rubber cutting (first one was fine and a whole plant by itself now) is starting to get green at the base of the tumbler. Same with my pepper cuttings. Why does this algae like thing form in some jars and not the others? How can I stop this from happening until the stems form roots now ? the rubber plant looks a bit cleaner now as I changed the tumbler to give it a good wash #PropagationStation #Ficus #RubberPlant #Propagation
Algae growth happens due to exposure to light. If you place your glass container into a dark container up to the water level that should stop it from happening. I usually put my glass vessel with the prop in it into a black plastic nursery pot and that really helps. Our local Bunnings has a nursery pot recycling area in the car park just outside the garden section so you have access to nursery pots for free :)
Algae is photosynthetic. They appear out of nowhere, but take over the container really quick. Wrap the jar in black tape if you don't like em

[PS, do NOT put a pleco. You would add a 60cm/12in long, 20 year commitment on your hands, plus they shit so much it'll make the water look like diarrhoea. Essentially no cleaner fish, or any at all in a jar]
@WelsomeRhodotus oh my god i have been buying nursery pots all this time! From bunnings too I need to check this in my store now - thank you so much, for the algae advice too
@Araceae I had to google what a plucko is hahaha I am terrible with fish so all good. does the algae harm the growth of the plant cutting?
@SirStretchberry no, it doesn't. Best it does is oxygenate the water, which in slme cases is beneficial
@SirStretchberry hehehe you’re welcome! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚