
Posted 4M ago by @Seymour


Ok, this is exciting πŸ˜„πŸ€œπŸ€› CP CLUB THURSDAY RULES OK πŸ‘
We now have over 200 members who are fans of carnivorous plants and I think we need to celebrate πŸ™Œ πŸŽ‰πŸ˜Š

So add your comment below and be part of our competition for the best Carnivorous Plant photo entered in this competition. The rules are simple:
1. you have to be a member of #cpclubthursday (no worries for over 200 of you, and if you are not yet a member then join by clicking on the #cpclubthursday hash tag and click the join button on the Group page)
2. You have to enter a photo of your very own CP (lets us know its name too)
3. The comment with the most β€œlikes” wins or if there is a tie, then a β€œjudge’s decision” will be made.
4. There will also be a prize for the runner-up and for what’s judged the most interesting comment so why not share your own CP journey?
5. First prize is a live Venus Fly Trap from the Greg store (for US residents, if I can organize delivery to you). The alternative first prize is a great Carnivorous Plant book (kindle version or possibly a paperback version instead)
6. In order to claim your prize, you’ll need to email me at my email address on my profile @seymour

And that’s basically it BUT you have to to add your comment and photo below so make sure it’s your best carnivorous plant and photo or most interesting comment or both !

Come on, let’s celebrate with the other 199 members !!! We all love carnivorous plants and we want to see your best ! Amaze us πŸ˜―πŸ€―πŸ˜€

#VenusFlyTrap #Sundew
#PitcherPlants #Nepenthes #cephalotusclub
#plantamigos #theamigos
#PLANTMAFIA #RJGAsksGreg #GregGang #Seymour
Best Answer
This is my favorite CP his name is Aiden and he is my first CP. I got him and he only had a few traps and now he has ten and he is thriving!! #cpclubthursday #HappyPlants #CarnivorousPlants
@Seymour I’ll give an example, this is my current favorite CP. Why? Because I grew this Cephalotus Australian (Albany) Pitcher Plant from a pitcher I pulled off its mother plant. The little pitcher has turned into some leaves and baby cephalotus pitchers and they are so cool. So now I have my very own home-bred Cephalotus and he is so cute (yet to name)
This one is my favorite, I just love the flowers! #CapeSundew @Seymour I absolutely love how when it gets an insect the long foliage curls up around its prey/food and has a buffet… Hey! Boo-boo! #cpclubthursday #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #GrowLights #PlantLove #GregFam #GregFriendsAreTheBestFriends #CarmisCorner 🌻🌸🐞πŸͺ΄πŸ¦‹πŸœοΈπŸŒ΅
Jed Clampett is ready for breakfast. Check out his place setting with a spoon leaved sundew (Hannibal) and fork leaved sundew (Duke of Fork). BYOB (Bring your own bugs)
This is Chompy 2 and I will have had him for a year sometime this month. I can’t believe I’ve managed to keep him thriving for this long! He’s my 2nd VFT (RIP Chompy 1), and the CP I’ve had the longest in my collection. I love having him on my desk, so I can admire him often. 😁
This is Calypso my VFT. She loves lots of sun and catching bugs as a snack. I’ve had her for around 4 months now and she’s continued to grow rapidly. I actually ordered her from Amazon and I was shocked on the size of her. She’s been doing lots of pest excavation, from gnats, to flies and spiders, from the house. She’s definitely one of my favorite carnivorous plants! πŸͺ΄πŸŒ±πŸ•·οΈπŸͺ°
I will have to decide & then take a good pic of my *current* favorite.. πŸ€”
@JesssJungle Great Jess, look forward to the photo.
I want to try again. I'm so scared lol.