
Posted 2M ago by @ThatFlowerGirl

Repotting with blooms

I understand the wisdom is to NOT repot #PhalaenopsisOrchid when in bloom. But I just picked this guy up and the roots look a little rough. I want to get rid of that plug before the issue gets worse and cut off the rotted stuff. Is my only worry that the blooms drop? I’d rather have a healthy plant with no blooms than an unhealthy one with many blooms. Thanks, #OrchidLovers
#Orchid #HappyPlants blooming">#blooming #RootRot
Best Answer
Yes (is only because of the blooms). If at all. The wisdom is good advice, especially for beginners, but if you are careful, not stress it too much (carry it in between places with different micro climates) change it to a medium that approximates the one it has been in, it should be okay. Maybe you'll have a slightly shorter bloom, but with a bad root system or just after bringing it home, this could happen anyway.
That being said, your roots were okay, really. This can be a lot worse. You had lots of viable roots and just a bit of rot. If you don't overwater then you should have been able to keep up the status quo until the bloom is over. Just for future orchids πŸ˜‰
With this one, you can just finish the job, now you've already taken it out Especially carefully remove that dreadful nursery plug in the center. Those don't work for most home settings and suffocate the roots.
@MusicalRedmint I saw this really nasty mushy root from the outside and figured it should come off immediately! But the rest of it looks great so I’m very happy with it! Thanks for your answer and I hope you get some good rest! 😊
Thank you so much. I will. You can just cut the mushy root and put it back in if you want, as well. Just know that that thing in the middle works like a sponge and will retain lots and lots of water, so be careful with overwatering until you repot
I agree wait until after it blooms to re pot the roots have been healthy enough for it to bloom it won’t hurt it to wait and enjoy the blooms. If you re pot you will loose the blooms for sure . Especially going from that spongy medium to something more appropriate for long term care .
I didn't repot mine when it had root rot because of the blooms, and now it's almost dead :( Please do it!
Your roots all look good . With the exception of that one root you need to cut. You dont have root rot . It can wait to be re potted. I promise
I reported all my orchids during bloom, they all feel great πŸ‘πŸΌ