
Posted 4M ago by @ballondusoleil

Cannot keep this plant alive πŸ˜₯

Update: πŸͺ¦ RIP little friend...
This is my second ping this year and it rapidly went downhill over the past month. I have it next to a grow light so ruling out light and watering (distilled), my next guess would be the heat collecting in the area from being up on a high shelf and/or it needs more humidity. I feel this is not dormancy. Thoughts? Does it need to be in a terrarium? Open or closed terrarium?
#pinguicula #carnivorousplants #dormancy #winteriscoming #cpclubthursday #carnivorousclub #cpbandwagon #pestcontrol #rareplants #planttherapy #plantssavedmymentalhealth #greggang #plantamigos #plantfam #plantsmakespeoplehappy #greggang # #greggerssupportinggreggers
8ft to light, indirect
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 4 months ago
Best Answer
@ballondusoleil no I am not convinced it’s you! It looks like it’s rotting to me so I’d suspect the roots are not sitting in proper medium.
Hi! They live in fairly bog-like conditions so they can dry out a bit, but otherwise need to be sitting in distilled water (instead of just a watering like a normal plant). Mine sits in a tray and I let it dry out, but then fill it again with distilled water so it’s probably damp 6 out of 7 days a week. πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈ
@RealSimpleMama thanks, Sarah! I keep mine sitting in distilled water and only top up once the water is gone, maybe half a day or a day at the most - it's never without water for very long.
I wonder what kind of soil it’s in? There’s a carnivorous plant mix you can get or I wonder if you can just use peat moss.
@RealSimpleMama trying a different soil than what it came in is a good idea. I do have some carnivorous soil mix. Nothing to lose at this point! You'd think the nursery it was grown at would put it in a suitable medium πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ
But seeing as this is my second ping, it's probably me? πŸ˜…πŸ˜πŸ™ƒ
Did you pot it or did it come like that?
@RealSimpleMama πŸ™‚ thank you! Pings are new to me so I guess I need to learn more about them.
@Seedstarter thanks for asking, Jasmine - it's in the original nursery pot and medium I purchased it in. I feel I need to learn more about when to repot and potting mediums. I've had plants over the course of my life but this is the first time I'm more committed to being a better plant parent!
@ballondusoleil Maybe the nursery might have planted the roots too deep. Pings have very shallow root system and, because of that, can't be buried like most CPs. The best method I was told was to create a small mound and place the ping on top since, in the wild, they grow on top of rocks and moss anyway. Here are some of my pings, they are on a medium of mostly sand and perlite with a little bit of peat most mixed in.
@Seedstarter thank you! Will keep this in mind when I get a chance to repot!
@ballondusoleil Hi Geraldine, although I can’t be sure it appears to me that your ping was deprived of sufficient distilled water for a critical time so it has essentially died back as a result. I do wonder how much light it is getting as the plant info suggests it is some feet from any growlight (eg how much PPFD based on a Light Meter App like Photone) and whether there has been a change in temperature which may have contributed to its current condition. It would be natural for there to be some dieback over cooler weather but those plant leaves looks shriveled up and lacking any real green. Anyway they are just some thoughts although there are some great answers above.
@Seymour thanks for your thoughts, Seymour! I had it in a little dish of distilled water so I'm chalking this one up to the summer heat. The shift to fall made me wonder but it's in bad shape and beyond saving now.
I need to update the light distance on a bunch of my plants - a lot of them list their actual distance from the window instead of from the grow light (when I joined Greg earlier this year, there was something in the wording about the light that made me think I should list the window distance even if it's under a grow light πŸ€·πŸΎβ€β™€οΈ and then I overthought it ...)
Hoping to get some time to attend to my oasis with more detail this weekend - it's Thanksgiving in Canada on Monday so that extra day will be a good opportunity for some gardening. πŸ¦ƒπŸ‚πŸžπŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦
@ballondusoleil Hey Geraldine, these things happen and it’s all a learning experience so we become better plant parents.
I will have to research about Canadian Thanksgiving, we have really taken up Halloween over here (certainly it’s a big commercial event judging for all the things on sale) but yet to adopt a Thanksgiving Day although it sounds like you’re already thankful for the extra day on Monday ! Enjoy 😊