
Posted 1w ago by @RichWingfern72

My plant was perfect for 1+ month till it started to get ...

#WhiteBirdOfParadise #helpmyplant #plantsos #greenthumb #browningleaves #bop #whatiswrongwithmyplant
12” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 week ago
She is bad 😞
I’m wondering if it’s too close to the window & its leaves are burning. Are the browning spots the closest to the window? I see he’s some crispy ends, which could be a lack of humidity.
Hi! Thank you for your reply. I moved her to the window because she started browning.
@RichWingfern72 you’re quite welcome! She could be too close. I had mine in the window and it burned her a bit. They love bright indirect light so they need a filter of some sort. How’s your humidity in the area?
I truly don't believe it's the window since it was getting bad before putting it there. Also the window is not clear. It has kind of like a filter effect to it. Here it's really dry but I have been pulverizing the plant with water. Maybe I just started doing it when it was too late.
I already cut all the brown leaves to see if that way she gets better. I hope I didn't do wrong 🀞🏽
That definitely isn’t sunburn as it is all focused at the ends of the leaves. These guys prefer bright light.

I’d be looking at the soil drainage, and water routine.

- How long have you had it?
- Is the soil draining well and able to dry out at all?
Hi. Thank you for writing! Yes, I think that may be the issue. Which is weird because my city is super dry. But it takes more than a week for the soil to completely dry. I have had her since the end of June.
@RichWingfern72 - id remove from the pot and check the roots. Gently remove any that are black / mushy.

Find a well draining soil and put her back.