
Posted 1M ago by @planthoe03

Pilea Needs Some TLC

So I combined Cheech & Chong into one pot today, I’ve been slowly losing stems off the mother plant for months, so I switched the pots and soil mixture up to perlite, well draining soil, & peat moss. Does anybody have any other suggestions for them? The babies are growing but slowly, and in a south east facing window, kind of in the corner. The grow lamp is never directly on it for extended periods of time.

#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #Pilea #ChineseMoneyPlant
0ft to light, direct
10” pot without drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
@planthoe03 These look healthy to me 🌱 It’s normal for them to lose lower leaves as they grow. Then the pups start to fill in at the base as they come in. They do like bright light, but not direct. I’d definitely let them be for awhile now so they can settle into their new pot. They like to be pretty snug πŸ’š
@debbiedo thanks! 😊