
Posted 3M ago by @Seymour

WHAT PLANT AM I ? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈπŸ€·πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ #whatplantami πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸŒ±

Ok, so I often seek the name for plant with #HelpMeNameMyPlant (πŸ™Thanks so much for those who have offered such great name suggestions)
but this time I need #ID #PlantID
It carried the label a Parlour Palm and I already have a number of parlour palms and has never seen leaves like the larger leaves!

And on closer inspection, the larger leaves are all coming from a separate stalk.

So my question is what is the larger leaf plant? Is it a different form of Parlour Palm #ParlourPalm ? An Alexander Palm #AlexandraPalm ? A Kentia Palm #KentiaPalm ? I think it is a palm #Palms but I will be happy to be proved wrong.

My palms are getting sweaty βœ‹ βœ‹ πŸ˜“ in anticipation of the answer. πŸ™
I’ll even accept any conspiracy theories as to how the separate plant managed to show up (unless it was a Parlour palm all along πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈD’oh!)

#help #helpneeded #identify
Last watered 9 months ago
I have a parlor palm and it definitely doesn’t look like this. It is very pretty 😍
@Ninabeena Thanks Nina, I’m glad I’m not the only one doubting it’s a Parlour Palm unless I have found a new variety LOL πŸ˜‚
I’ve never known a palm to have such broad wide leaves exactly like that… so I’m in agreement with you, saying I think it’s not a parlor palm.
But the little short one looks like a parlor palm!

I’m intrigued now…
I’ll do some research🫑
@Seymour alright, here’s what I found:
I believe it’s a type of Ti plant. Specifically, a green cordyline fruiticosa, or cordyline friuticosa β€˜bangkok gold’ (if you look up cordyline terminalis β€˜Bangkok Gold’ that’ll show right away some plants that look quite similar to me, but it’s the outdated name)

Lemme know if that looks to be the same plant or notπŸ€—
@tunnybiger It remains a mystery to me but I’ll investigate the Ti plants more fully. I am wondering if it’s a kind of Dracaena? But the more I consider it, the less I think it is a parlour palm or even a type of palm. The leaves are lovely though and I feel I have a bonus in having two plants for the price of one.
Whatever it is, it is lovely 😊 If someone else confirms it’s a Ti or I find out anything more, I’ll aim to let you know. Thanks for your contribution to solving the mystery, now I’m even more intrigued by it !
@Seymour could it be a variegated lady palm? Occasionally the green form of it pop up here and there as weeds in the middle of random bushes…

The next closest one is can think of is a variegated kentia palm
The bottom is the parlor. The top is not. Try google lens
@PotentPecan Totally agree, Nicole so thanks for the confirmation. I’m trying a few different ids, Greg app says it’s a Kentia Palm
@Araceae Interesting, I’ll take a further look ! Thanks πŸ™
@ehery eipeen, If you add a comment with your suggested plant ID I can award you best answer here as I can’t do so on freshleaffriday post by RJG.