
Posted 8M ago by @Charli3Plant

Best time for shade cloths?

Hey #succulentsquad, when's the best time to put up a shade cloth? It's really starting to heat up in my area, and I got a 50% shade cloth for the summer. The UV index has also been fairly high, and it's not going down anytime soon. Most of my succulents have been outside all year so they're used to the weather fluctuations. #succulentlove #succulents #echeveria #graptosedum #graptopetalum #plantsmakepeoplehappy #plantaddict #plantmafia #planttherapy
Hey! I’m not an expert but I say whenever you feel you need it. The cloths that still let in light and air and etc. are the best, I use it for all the outdoor perennials in my chicken run and the plants don’t suffer. πŸŒ±β˜€οΈβ€οΈ I am always cognizant of where the sun is actually coming down in the afternoon, since of course, that is when it is the hottest and the worst. So if you haven’t taken time to sit out there in the afternoon afternoon and understand the best location for it, that would be my only other suggestion!
Now is the time if you feel that heat creeping in. Mine aren’t up yet and I could pop myself for not putting them up yet.
I would put it up now. It is already very hot in Virginia. And the sun is dangerous.
I’m glad I saw this. I’m new to succulents so this is my first attempt at succulent summer in a very hot area. I have some curtains I have been meaning to put up on my timy patio where the plants live but I’m more motivated now