Whatβs wrong with my calathea and how can I save it?
3ft to light, indirect
5β pot with drainage
Last watered 3 weeks ago
You got this one Andreea. Let's remember where this plant hails from. The moist forest floor where it thrives under a dense canopy. What type soil would you expect to find there? Well, lots of organic stuff like worm castings. Lots of decaying bark too. The soil isn't tamped down like in our own yards. So it needs our help with perlite or the like. Once you understand where her ancestors are from, you will learn what your prayer plant needs from you. π (yup, that's a hint)
You got this one Andreea. Let's remember where this plant hails from. The moist forest floor where it thrives under a dense canopy. What type soil would you expect to find there? Well, lots of organic stuff like worm castings. Lots of decaying bark too. The soil isn't tamped down like in our own yards. So it needs our help with perlite or the like. Once you understand where her ancestors are from, you will learn what your prayer plant needs from you. π (yup, that's a hint)
Make sure you mist at least once a week to avoid crispy leaves but also make soil not too wet