
Posted 5M ago by @WinWeepingjade

Hi everyone I have just bought a juniper bonsai tree and ...

1ft to light, direct
11โ€ pot with drainage
Last watered 5 months ago
I have never used liquid fertilizer on my juniper bonsai (while it was alive). I was always told to use the slow-release fertaizer balls. The last thing you want to do is over fertilize your plant.

I would say depends on the brand of the fertilizer and the NPK. Can you share that with us?

I do know if you use a liquid fertilizer, you'll need to use it more often becuase if your tree is outside getting the sunlight it needs, you'll need to water it nearly daily so the soil doesn't dry out too much - watering it so much will wash out the fertilizer.
@sarahsalith the N-2.6 P-0.4 K-1.6 and its diluted to 20ml of concentrate per 9 L of water