
Posted 1M ago by @WiseChaffflower

What’s wrong with it πŸ˜•

Hi guys I’m in need of help. I have a #ChineseMoneyPlant that I’ve had for a few months now. It was doing great, growing quickly and needed a new pot soon after I got it. But now it seems to be losing leaves and looking sad. It’s in the same spot I’ve always had it, gets the same light give or take a rainy day. I have a second Chinese money plant right next to it and that one has not had any issues.

It sits around 3 or 4 feet away from a south facing window, in a 3 inch terracotta pot with regular potting soil and gets watered 1/2 a cup when the soil is dry. I haven’t seen any signs of pests and I spray/wipe down leaves weekly to prevent.
Please help me out! #HappyPlants #help #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #SucculentLove #PlantTherapy #GrowLights
2ft to light, indirect
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 6 days ago
As it has been doing great and now it is not, you may consider fertilizing it.
How is the temperature where you are living? Chinese money plants have a dormancy period during the colder months, during which their growth slows, and they die back a little. They don't require much water during this time, so the water you gave may have been acceptable during the growing season, but it needs to be cut back now. If you have another Chinese money plant, I would be on the lookout for the same symptoms.
It might be getting a bit too much sun? I know that can cause overall leaf yellowing.
Could it be root bound or nutrient deficient?