
Posted 1M ago by @VastBonsaimint

My prayer plant looks sad

What am I doing wrong? I know it likes a lot of water. This what the soil looks like and it still feels plenty moist. I made a pebble tray underneath and I mist it with water to try help with humidity. Its in a north facing window which doesn't get a ton of light at all so I thought using a grow light would help a bit. I also think those might be spider mites under the leaf. So what should I do? #help
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
I would try a smaller pot I read that they prefer to be root bound
That is actually a red prayer plant.

Don’t mist it they don’t like water in their leaves she looks very sad.

I can’t tell by your photo is you have a pest or not although I will say the white specks tell me it’s very possibly mealy bugs do they look a bit fuzzy like white cotton? Spider mites like you said might be it but I don’t see a web in the photo but perhaps You can see it better in person. Spider mites have little itty bitty webs. And you can’t see the mites themselves only the webbing.

There are several suggestions I will make to help you improve her care.

1. A shallow pot with drainage

2. Move away from the A/C unit. These plants HATE temperature fluctuations. I suggest and interior wall with a stable temperature.

3. Only water with distilled water they will die with tap water they are very sensitive to ANY chemicals added.

4. Use a pebble tray to increase humidity. Don’t mist it only leads to fungal infections.

5. Your grow light is great she will appreciate that.

6. They like moist but never wet soil. Let the top couple of inches dry out before watering again.

7. Be easy on yourself these are pretty finicky. I have 8 different varieties of prayer plant the red prayer included and I swear the red prayer plant is the most finicky. Yours has some new growth coming in so that’s encouraging.

8. A peat moss based soil is best for these with some perlite and bark for aeration you want a soil that will retain moisture and also remain light and airy. They have very thin roots to spread across the soil, these thin roots also leave them more susceptible to rot so too much water is bad.

9. If you look and see pests then absonlutelyvtread your plant for them a cordinly for whatever pest it is. Neem oil will work for both kinds mentioned. But repeated treatment will be necessary.