Tips to getting water stains off my sweet girl?
I know it will be tedious….but I do not care.

3ft to light, indirect

4” pot with drainage

Last watered 3 months ago
Mix distilled water and lemon juice and give em a wipe down. A lot of info online says a 1:1 mix, but I do 2:1 water to lemon juice and it works well. Keep in mind I’ve only used this on my very hardy philodendron congo leaves, so read up online and test it on a couple leaves first. Many say vinegar and water at the same dilution works equally as well, but I’ve never tried that one.
@GaryPoopins - Thank you for your insight! I may have to give that a whirl! Do you use fresh squeezed lemon 🍋 juice, or a lemon juice concentrate?