
Posted 3M ago by @Fireplace

How do I keep it alive?

I got a lucky bamboo from a supermarket! It’s covered in dust but I got most of it off. How much do I water it and how much sun should it get? It also seems to be in just rocks. Should I do a repot? The stem is yellowing too. #HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #NewGrowth #PropagationStation #PlantTherapy #LuckyBamboo #Dracaena #SnakePlant #help
1ft to light, indirect
2” pot without drainage
Last watered 3 months ago
@Fireplace Lucky bamboo does just fine in rocks and water. At least mine has. It actually does better in water than it did in soil. The rocks usually are sold with it to help stabilize it. They don’t like direct sun, mine is about 6 feet away from a window.
I have mine hanging from the side of my fish tank with my pothos, Peace lily, they seem to be doing great...good luck 🀞
they're awfully easy to care for. And yeah you probably should repot it. Increase pot diameter by like 2 inches. Make sure to keep it in rocks. Mine likes being in rocks and water. Lots and lots of water. Also I personally would the yellow tie off so the plant can lean however it wants, but you can leave it if you like the aesthetic, just make sure to keep it loose
Here's an article that should help (it's written by Greg by the way),placed%20next%20to%20a%20humidifier.
I planted my lucky bamboo and it love the soil growing big and tall
@TheOddAsity that’s about what I have now. Let’s see if he likes it…
@sexzeyez69 sounds like something I would do! 🀣 I put plants everywhere I can lol
@SesameSeeds777 there IS scarring, I just checked. Is there any way to get rid of it?
@SimpleSucc I’ll check out as soon as possible, thanks! 😊
@SacredLemonfern isn’t it a smaller type of dracaena? How big is yours?
I have a few of these! These guys like a nice indirect bright light. Not too much direct sun. I repotted one of mine with a layer of pumice and pebbles at the bottom and soil up top (Rocks and pumice help prevent the roots from sitting in water) repotting in soil can help with prolonging life of lucky bamboo. I keep the soil moist but not wet, when about 1 inch deep of the top soil is dry. For me this is one a week or so. I have a portable humidifier that I rotate between plants as well. In all I might consider repotting this one. I repotted after learning that dracaena are not native to water. It grows in African forests, it’s an understory plant. Since it greatly resembles bamboo, that’s where the name comes from
Allison ill take a photo in the morning so you can see
Just keep it in a window, not south