
Posted 2M ago by @dat1panda

Slightly squishy aloe

I have had my aloe for almost a year now and it was giving to me by someone else (my first aloe), he was very healthy when I got him but over the year I have had him it seems like he has lost some firmness. As we inch closer to winter months I am scared for my buddy. He is still growing and has great color, could it just be that he is over-watred i only water him every 2-3 weeks

Any suggestions on how or what I can do to help him become more firm in his leafs/arms/branches (idk what people call them). I would love the enlightenment.
0ft to light, indirect
10โ€ pot without drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Most likely overwatering. Aloe need very very little care
Only water when it starts to show signs of shriveling
Aloes can soak up a ridiculous amount of water, im not sure the temp etc near you but generally every 2 weeks of water wouldnt be too bad. Maybe cut back to 3 wks. They're hardy and usually bounce back super quick.
Otherwise may be the soil is too dense and it needs more room to breathe?
Mine grow in pure sand and love it. Plus I barely water them. Generally rule is let them dry out completely.
With Aloe and any other succulents it's always better to err on the side of under-watering.