
Posted 1M ago by @jasmine1

Toppling monstera!

Any tips on stopping my monstera wanting to topple over? My monsteras are starting to reach around 5ft tall, and i’m struggling to keep them balanced! i’ve done a few repots now which are just to re-centre the gravity, but when it pops out a new leaf it’s the same thing again! I’m currently tying the moss pole to the wall. Any tips to keep it from falling? Maybe a heavier pot would help? #Monstera
5ft to light, indirect
10” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 days ago
Best Answer
Happy Sunday! I anchored mine to the wall, but I think a heavier pot might help. I’ve also seen people use a wooden plank to anchor the plant. Check out @killthisplant on YouTube. He works with huge monsteras and is a fan of the planks. I was also recommended to try a pot with a wider bottom. Just make sure if you use the bigger pot you use a nursery pot or something that isn’t too big for your plant or you could get the dreaded root rot πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ
My poles are anchored to my walls as well. But I also have them in heavy wider pots instead of tall pots. Mine is almost 7 feet and this has been the best for it. Also if I notice certain leaves hanging that are pulling the plant I chop them and propagate them for something else
@teacher12 Looks like i might need to get myself a plank! love that youtuber, he convinced me to seperate all my monsteras to let them thrive, and he was totally right! to the hardware shop i go πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ thank you!!
Yay! A fellow fan! I love his videos. I can’t find it, but he did this one where he took what looked to be a dead monstera and brought it back to life. He shows how hardy these plants are.