
Posted 1M ago by @cereal

Is my plant okay? #Dracaena

There is these tan spots on most of its leaves, primarily at the tips but some all the way down. Does this mean something is wrong? How can i fix it?
I have him a bit far from the window and have heard that its better to put plants closer to light in the winter, could that be the cause?
2ft to light, direct
8” pot with drainage
Last watered 2 weeks ago
Best Answer
Hello @magicalyeejr. I am having the same issue with ALL 7 of them. At first I thought disease. I was told though that inconsistent or too frequent watering can cause this. I am not really sure but I am still working on it. When I find a good answer I will let you know
Update: hes hanging out in the sun now with succulent and i just watered him
@Stall54Jo Thank you! I’m glad i got this app so i know when to water it (just downloaded it a few days ago) because i always have trouble remembering to. I would not be surprised if that’s the issue. Thank you for the information!