
Posted 4w ago by @TopPurei38

Anyone know what’s going on with my plant?

10” pot
Last watered 3 days ago
Hi Maria πŸ‘‹ I'm not sure what you're referring to hun, what is your concern with Zion?

If it's the splits I can see forming in the leaves... That's nothing to worry about! It's really common as BoPs mature (in the wild it helps to filter light to the lower limbs, just like fenestrations on a Monstera!). It allows airflow and sunlight to get access in a jungle environment πŸ’š

You can slow the rate of splitting by raising the humidity around your plant (grouping plants together to create a microenvironment is the simplest way, if you don't want to fork out for a humidifier!). But don't worry too much! He's perfectly ok πŸ₯° x
Thank you so much, Jenni! That is super helpful!! I’ve noticed discoloration is starting to happen as well, is that normal?
This is the discoloration
@TopPurei38 this looks like a fungal or bacterial infection have you tried any solutions for that? I would also check for pests or root rot? but most importantly no matter what the cause is you should definitely cut off the damaged ones so your plant can redirect its energy to healthy leaves and potential new growth!