So I got these two beauties at my local store and when we did research, they said it was a calico plant however that is not in the Greg database and I really do not think it is a party time plant either.  if some of you super cool people could help me identify what they are That would be amazing personally, I don’t really care because I think they’re beautiful anyway, but it is good to know when it comes to care
their names are Callie and Marie (bonus points if you know where that’s from) And honestly, I think they are one of my “faves” #PlantID #whatisthisplant #HappyPlants #PartyTimeAlternanthera #PlantsMakePeopleHappy
their names are Callie and Marie (bonus points if you know where that’s from) And honestly, I think they are one of my “faves” #PlantID #whatisthisplant #HappyPlants #PartyTimeAlternanthera #PlantsMakePeopleHappy
2ft to light, direct
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
@PanPlantPapa i know i want a party time too they are so pretty
I actually bought a plant from Amazon because I loved the colors. Turns out when it arrived, other apps had a hard time identifying but Greg came up with a Party time plant or Joesph’s coat. I believe your plant is of the same family. Beyoncé arrived as a tiny stalk and look at her now. She has been slow growing but I read the species growing season is in the summer. The girls are beautiful and good luck with you new babies. Happy growing!!!!