
Posted 1M ago by @CaringOcotillo

My monstera leaves are yellowing T_T

I don’t know if I have pests or if I overwatered, the only thing I found is this brownish thing but I don’t know if it is pest, soil or damage. #help #sickplants #yellowing
2ft to light, indirect
6” pot with drainage
Last watered 9 months ago
It looks like thrips. Quarantine and treat immediately. You can treat thrips with some dish soap diluted in water and spray it on the leaves, giving it a good rinse, as strong a water flow as is safe for the plants and or treat with neem oil.
@Herbologybadger I have a pesticide that lists thrips πŸ€”
I’m not familiar with that particular brand but if it lists thrips and is safe for plants I say go for it.
Get some name, oil and sprayer and for the yellowing I think you’re overwatering