
Posted 1M ago by @Seedstarter

I wonder if I should be worried.

Since the last post, Doily has produced two more flowers, which is all good. However, producing flowers requires a lot of energy from plants, especially tropical ones, and as you can see, it's also causing her to become more deformed compared to her sisters.

The colder months mean that there is a lack of sunlight and bugs, so I don't know where she is getting the energy to bloom, which makes me conclude that she is expending energy she doesn't
have, which could cause her to decline gradually.

So, I was wondering (as much as I hate to) if I should cut her flower off to force her to save energy until Spring or just let her be.
#cpclubthursday #CarnivorousPlants #CarnivorousClub #Pinguicula #Butterwort
5” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 day ago
@Seedstarter Looks perfectly fine to me, the Pinguicula flowers doesn't require as much of energy, i think you should let mother nature rule
Mine went through a blooming spree like this, looked rough for a bit, and once it finally came out of it, bounced back and is looking great!
Clearly it’s healthy enough to produce so many flowers, so I wouldn’t be too worried and just enjoy the blooms while they last :))
It’s so cute! Are carnivorous plants easy to care for?
@Elk, pinguicula/Butterworths are super easy for me to care for. However, it depends. Carnivorous plants are not like typical plants; they require unique soil mediums like peat moss and can't be watered with tap water, only distilled or rainwater, which means you are going to either have to collect rainwater or buy jugs of distilled water.