
Posted 1M ago by @Plantlover2812

Is something wrong with my Jade plant?!

I got a Jade plant starter from a friend for Christmas, and she looked healthy, but this morning she had some white markings/stuff on her leaves and stem. Is it mold or pests, or is it just a part of her? I have no clue! Here are some pictures...
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2ft to light, direct
2” pot with drainage
Last watered 1 month ago
Best Answer
They're evaporated mineral cristals from mineral/ tap water. You need to switch to distilled or rain water. Minerals in water are good for people, not for succulents/ plants.
Do you get water on the leaves? It may just be water stains. If you’re able to wipe it off easily it may just be from hard water since it’s in streaks.
@itsjordan thanks so much for the advice, I will try it right now.
@SvelteKingfern thanks so much, I am happy to know that I have to switch to different water before it's too late. β€οΈπŸ™‚
You're welcome. If you have any question, please tag me. πŸ€—πŸ’šπŸŒ΅πŸͺ΄