Is something wrong with my Jade plant?!
I got a Jade plant starter from a friend for Christmas, and she looked healthy, but this morning she had some white markings/stuff on her leaves and stem. Is it mold or pests, or is it just a part of her? I have no clue! Here are some pictures...
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#HappyPlants #PlantsMakePeopleHappy #PlantAddict #PestControl #MoldSurvivors #NewPlantMom #PlantTherapy #PlantShelfie #PlantLove #PlantCorner #PlantGraveyard
@itsjordan thanks so much for the advice, I will try it right now.
@SvelteKingfern thanks so much, I am happy to know that I have to switch to different water before it's too late. β€οΈπ